Electional Charts: Astrological Choices
Although we cannot choose the chart we are born with, astrology offers a unique opportunity to choose an appropriate time to take action with the goal to increase the possibility for a favorable result. In astrology, this is called an Electional chart. In this work, the astrologer is aligning an earthly event with planetary movements. Kings and Queens in the past consulted court astrologers for advice ranging from dates and times to be crowned, to the timing of a war, among other things. The texts and writings of astrologer William Lilly, 17th century advisor to King Charles, continue to be studied today. It has been reported that following the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan, astrologer Joan Quigley was employed to schedule the President’s important events. Today many consult astrologers to elect a chart to set in motion a major event or undertaking, such as a wedding, the signing of an important document, listing a property, or beginning a new venture.
The Solar Return
Your Solar Return definitely has something to say about your year ahead.
A Solar Return takes place once a year at the time the Sun returns to its original degree and time, within a day of your birthday. The chart is active for a year, until your following birthday, or Solar Return. The opportunity to change the place you are at the time of the Solar Return is the ability to change the yearly chart, giving us the capability to improve the Solar Return by traveling to a certain destination.
What can a Solar Return do for you
In astrology our year is informed by many factors; in all years we consider, along with your Solar Return, the natal chart (one’s patterns), as well as the transits and eclipses and various factors; they all inform our personal experience and give energy to our year. In the Solar Return we have an astrological tool that can improve our options for the year. In years of challenge, a positive Solar Return chart can mitigate difficult cycles, although not entirely eliminate them. When in a year of good transits, the Solar Return can add another supportive factor. On the other hand, a challenging Solar Return may complicate possibilities. When the Solar Return is a culprit we want to shift the location of the return.
The Solar Return can activate certain areas in our life; life can be steered to certain topics. We are born with a certain chart, however the entire chart is not active in the same way throughout our life. One approach is to light up the area we want to activate. If there is a natal region in ones chart lying dormant, a Solar Return can stimulate that area.
A Solar Return cannot give us everything. For instance, if we have come in as a soul to experience an ordinary life, a SR won’t give us fame and celebrity. If we lack aptitude for a certain profession, the Solar Return won’t deliver success in that arena. The Solar Return cannot work against the natal chart, or take personal destiny out our life experience. So, a Solar Return, as any electional chart, works within the limits of the individual. When we are attempting to achieve something through our SR, yet continue to sabotage ourselves through destructive patterns, we lessen the effect of the return. There are no perfect charts, the challenging planets cannot be eliminated, however, they can be shifted to an area where they are less problematic. A client of mine who does yearly Solar Return trips, said she felt Solar Returns,
"softened the effects of the harsher transits”.
Working with the elected chart is critical. The chart is aligned with the goal; however, the person must align with the goal, as well. One of my favorite SR stories was someone who was seeking a promotion from a corporate managerial level to a senior executive level. This person had steady and consistent record of advancement and recognition within the company, however, the door was closed; the interview was denied due to the cadence of the career path. A Solar Return trip that year shifted a stellium of planets into her career area. When she came home she continued to prove herself through her work. The result was the position was offered to her in that SR year. Her continued efforts supported the outcome.
In another recent story a client was forced to move from a residence of over a decade. She was concerned about the ability to find something quickly that she would be happy with. Her Solar Return was two months before her move date. As it turned out she found a place she loved in time. The SR chart had the Sun conjunct Venus in region four, the area of home base, or where you reside. The Sun is where you can focus and make great strides, and Venus is a fortuitous planet.
Another approach is more general. Many clients will ask for a destination that is not specifically oriented, rather to find a destination that represents the most supportive chart for the year.
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