“You can only come to the morning through the shadows.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien
2025 will prove to be a intense year
In 2025 four powerful transformation planets, outer planets that are driving forces, will have changed signs. In November 2024 Pluto finally moved from the last degrees of Capricorn and into Aquarius until 2043. Neptune moves into the sign of Aries for the next fourteen years. Uranus moves into Gemini for seven years. Saturn joins Neptune in Aries for over two years. This intensity manifests due to the narrow time frame in which these shifts take place. Taking into consideration the Sun and personal planets, most of us are touched by these powerful shifts.
Although these seasons may be intense, they can be fulfilling, productive and successful periods if we cooperate with the planets rather than resist them. If we have the trines and sextiles in our charts, change is supported and is more fluid. The conjunctions and opposition are most intense, and squares provide a push to action through the tension they create
The world is changing; and we are being asked to change with it. Change often comes from crisis, challenge, or disruption, and is frequently a time we are inducted into a new phase of life. This is global as well as personal. Under Pluto in Aquarius, we have recently seen the fall of Assad, a constitutional crisis in France, chaos in Korea.
~Pluto into Aquarius until Fall 2043: Change comes through topics that are associated with what we have built our identity on, perhaps our career, our partner, associates, or any identification with external factors that have outlived resonance. Pluto asks, how authentic is the story or myth of the life we have created? Is there emptiness where you once felt resonance? The way to identify how this transit impacts you is to understand the nature of the planet in your chart that Pluto is involved with, as well as the region of the experience.
Positive Pluto Transit 2025: Those born first three days of Sun in Libra and Sun in Gemini (trine), Aries and Sagittarius (sextile) are blessed by the powerful Pluto assisting them in overcoming any obstacles whatsoever. These are rejuvenation and restoration cycles. When Pluto trines these Suns it builds your strength and vitality, as well as supports your progress in the world. Those with Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Mars at early degrees in these signs benefit as well. For instance, a Moon at early degrees of Libra will experience emotional depth and resonance.
Challenging Pluto Transit 2025: Those born the first three days of Sun in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus Scorpio. These Sun signs and early degrees of these signs on Moon, Venus, Mercury Mars, experience the intensity of Pluto. Personally, look to the connection and the region of the transit. Hypothetically, if your Moon is near 2˚ of Aquarius you may be challenged with stressful emotional experiences, and if Pluto conjuncts your Mars, anger, drama, power and control situations take place.
“Do not squander the hour of your pain.” Ranier Maria Rilke
When Pluto challenges we might ask, where are we investing our power, and are we allowing our toxic emotions such as anger, fear, despair, jealousy, rob us of our spirit?. Where do we need to forgive? Forgiveness is usually not a decisive event, it usually is a process that allows us to trust and let go, move on from dense emotions to reclaim our spirit and power. Pluto’s remedy is vulnerability; when one is able to give up the situation to a higher source, and stop keeping score, then we have the opportunity to engage transcendent resources.
~Neptune: The Work of Tending the Soul
Neptune into Aries March 2025 – 2039
Neptune’s journey as a water sign is the mystical, intuitive, spiritual, and creative path. Here we find our artists, writers, poets, musicians, composers, playwrights, actors, photographers, the world of fashion, film, astrologers, priests, mystics, spiritual thinkers, and visionaries, the angelic realm, magicians and illusionists, and therapists that work with imagination and dreams Transiting Neptune can bring peak spiritual, creative, and healing experiences. Here we tend to our soul and turn to the inner versus the external. Neptune wants to work from the heart. It is not interested in the practical, nor is it result oriented.
Under Neptune transits there is a strong inclination to find oneself. In the process powerful people may experience a uncomfortable realization that they are not running the show. Maintaining the status quo may become difficult. Often we decide to let go of aspects of our lives that are not serving in search of a new or renewed purpose. Under this powerful planet we ask what is my hearts desire. Have I squandered my talents? How can I redeem my talent and purpose?
Many Neptunian people never actualize their gifts. In the creative professions a small percent receive recognition. Neptune characteristically waits, for a sign, for a mentor, rather than taking action. It’s true that at times things fall into place at the right moment, however, if one is not actively working towards an outcome it has less chance of happening.
”God doesn’t answer prayers if you can do it yourself.”
Positive Neptune Transit 2025: The first two days of those born with the Sun in the signs of Sagittarius and Leo, (trine). Aquarius and Gemini (sextile), as well as early personal planets in those signs. The creative pulse is strong, and these early degrees often experience new creative beginnings, inspiration, and vision. For instance, Neptune trine Mercury, can overcome writers block. If spiritual, a new mentor may facilitate inspiration, spiritual growth, and healing. Neptune trine Sun and personal planets can bring breakthroughs in Neptunian topics.
Challenging Neptune Transit 2025: Those born the first two days of Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer, as well as the first degrees of the personal planets, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars in those signs. Often one faces issues where they have refused to look at reality. Check facts in important decisions .Thoughts can be confusing; situations unclear. In relationship the balance of give and take may be glaringly uneven. Keep things real or be subject to disillusionment. Here we may find the unmotivated daydreamers. Avoid falling into negative Neptune, which is drugs and alcohol or escapist tendency.
Example of a challenged Neptune: Neptune opposite Moon can come through as moodiness, and lack of emotional clarity.
~More topics to come
~Saturn joins Aries May 2025 and will be conjunct or near Neptune in Aries most of the year. These energies are not compatible by nature. More to come in upcoming newsletters.
~Uranus into Gemini: July 2025 – August 2032. Uranus brings unplanned change. Look to where Uranus is to determine where that change is looming. More to come as we get closer to the shift.
Positive Uranus transit 2025: Those born the first two days of Libra and Aquarius receive the [positive transit along with early degrees of Leo and Aries (sextile)
Challenging Uranus Transit 2025: Early Gemini-
~ Nodes move into Pisces Virgo January 12, 2025. Eclipses season is firmly here for these signs and planets in these signs. More to come.
~January Big Picture~
The first week of January opens up with tension.
The beginning of the month Mars opposes Pluto for a second time (the first was early November 2024 and at that time Mars was not retrograde), the final opposition is April 2025. This current opposition is exact today, January 3, however it continues to influence into the second week of January. Be mindful of power and control situations that create resistance and anger. We have seen events that are typical of this opposition already in New Orleans and Las Vegas as well as others.
When Mars retrogrades from the sign of Leo into Cancer on January 6, the opposition takes on an emotional quality that can be reactive. Cancer is an emotional sign which doesn’t let go easily and can be reactive. This configuration will stimulate the denser emotions around topics associated with Cancer. Those topics are private and domestic concerns related to situations related to family and home life, property, safety and security, the breasts.
Although the opposition is a short lived, Mars will remain in retrograde in Cancer until the end of February.
Mars in Cancer is in its Fall, which means it has to work harder to express itself positively. And of all the planets, the nature of Mars is to move forward. It’s not a patient planet, making this retrograde a frustrating time.
The Full Moon on January 13, is a Mars sensitive day. Mars and the Moon are conjunct opposing Pluto, making emotional balance difficult.
One of the most positive days of the month is the New Moon on January 29. Revisit and reestablish your New Years resolutions. The Sun and Moon are trine Jupiter. The current troublemaker Mars is in good condition. Hope arrives. The light comes through the cracks. Mercury Pluto and are conjunct in support of deeper thinking and contemplation.
Wishing you an abundance of blessings in the new year!
The planetary cycles discussed here will vary by individual. Astrology suggests that the cycles of planets mirror our circumstances, so without an astrological chart consultation we cannot discuss what these cycles mean for you, or determine your timing in this process. To discuss how these energies relate you your personal chart I can be reached at www.theplanetarycodes.com.
This newsletter is a discussion of astrological teaching, and is not to be substituted for professional advice. Astrology is not a replacement for psychotherapy, any professional advice whatsoever, including medical advice, or legal counsel.
©2025 Cathryn Hunter, All Rights Reserved.